Meanwhile Use
At New Practice, Meanwhile Use is one of our core work streams. Our projects in this area have varied in lifespan, ranging from a mere 24 hours, up to a not-so-temporary 25 years.

We didn't set out to be an architecture practice with a focus on Meanwhile Use projects, it wasn't strategic, rather, it just happened. On reflection, we think it happened because as a practice we're designers plus, and we're experts at turning challenging, complex, odd and one-off opportunities to do something (often without briefs) into interesting projects…
…it just turns out that we also enjoy it!
Cambridge North East Meanwhile Use Masterplan - Cambridge - LandsecU+I and TOWN 2021
Our work as Meanwhile Use architects provides our clients with quick-win impact, often within lengthy regeneration programmes, offering a direct way to engage local audiences in decision-making processes.
Walk-Up Avenue - Craigmillar, Edinburgh - City of Edinburgh Council, 2023
So what do we love about Meanwhile Use?
1 | Enterprising
Meanwhile Use requires great spatial design to invigorate a vacant site and give it the facelift required to invite people in. But the creative opportunities go much deeper than aesthetics. The most successful Meanwhile Use projects also incorporate creativity in their operational model and programming. This requires thinking about how the space flows as well as how it looks.
2 | Collaborative
Meanwhile Use presents opportunities to work meaningfully with a range of stakeholders, from client to community to contractor. It can serve as a test-bed for building lasting partnerships.
3 | Agile, allowing prototyping
The temporary nature provides a unique opportunity to test ideas in a low-risk environment. We as designers can learn a lot in this setting, and for the client and site users, they can learn about what success (and even failure!) can look like on their site.
4 | Not an end point
Meanwhile Use should not be about imposing fully formed ideas on communities. Instead it should leave some room for the unexpected, posing questions as well as providing answers through loose-fit and iterative design.
‘Subtle Shifts’ Temporary Pavilion - Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park - Get Living London | London Festival of Architecture, 2018
List of current Meanwhile Use clients:
City of Edinburgh Council
Glasgow City Council
Many Studios CIC
Regal London
When is Meanwhile Use design at its most impactful?
We believe it’s when it is specifically concerned with creating a meaningful and shared legacy. Often, the excessive emphasis on ‘good news story’ publicity photos can be a warning sign of tokenism... If it’s a site with community tenants then good practice is to engage with them throughout the process — not only to shape the long-term development but also to ensure they have adequate support to continue operations after their lease ends.
Community Activation and Amenity Strategy - Charlton Riverside, London - Greater London Authority (GLA), 2019
Net Zero site activation, community gathering and sustainable business exhibition - Broomielaw, Glasgow - Glasgow City Council for COP26, 2021
For more information on our Meanwhile Use work, or to discuss future collaborations, please contact;
Maeve Dolan (Associate)